Enrichment Programs
BalletCNJ passionately offers a quality education for all ages. Our classes start at the age of 1.5 and continue all of the way up to 18. We offer classes in a variety of styles and levels.
Contact us to see what program your child best falls under, and schedule a Trial Class to experience our Enrichment Programs $9.99
All Ages, All Levels - Train to Be the Best​

(Ages 18 months-6 years) focuses on the development of our youngest dancers and introduces them to the basic elements of dance and development.
(Ages 10-18) exposes students to variety of classes for well rounded training that will advance them to our highest levels.

(Ages 7-9 years) focuses on the development of our younger dancers and introduces them to the foundation and technical aspects of classical ballet.
At BalletCNJ we believe that it is crucial for students to continue to train over their long breaks. It is the perfect time for students to maintain and improve their technical abilities.